Hilchos Brachos

Rav: Harav Aharon Schenkolewski

Program Length: 12 month program

Certificate: Certificate awarded upon completion

Description: Begins with the halachos of bracha rishona, siman 202, and includes the bracha on fragrance and other brachos until siman 231, as well as hilchos netilas yadayim and the halachos of seudah from 157-201.
In addition to the PDF shiurim, there is a live weekly shiur over Zoom to supplement the written shiur.

Harav Aharon Schenkolewski has been teaching a wide range of halachic subjects to talmidim across the world since 2001. Raised in Lakewood, New Jersey, Harav Schenkolewski attended Yeshiva Beth Moshe of Scranton,..
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