
Instructors Style 2

Gain Mastery in the Amud

Yeshiva Iyun Halacha is now offering a new amud program, following the Dirshu Amud HaYomi. The transformative curriculum is now available and free for all those interested in gaining a thorough and practical grasp of the daily daf.

With live Zoom classes and corresponding learning materials, receive all the tools to help you succeed – far beyond your dreams. Today is a great day to start this life-changing program. Enroll in the program, and see how far
you go!

Remember the Amud With

Daily audios

Refresh your memory with a chazara shiur of that day’s amud.

Clear summaries

See it in order with a concise synopsis of that day’s amud.

Chazara questions

Test your memory with review questions on that day’s amud.

Daily audios

Refresh your memory with a chazara shiur
of that day’s amud.

Clear summaries

See it in order with a concise synopsis
of that day’s amud.

Chazara questions

Test your memory with review questions
on that day’s amud.

Daily audios

Refresh your memory with a chazara shiur
of that day’s amud.

Clear summaries

See it in order with a concise synopsis
of that day’s amud.

Chazara questions

Test your memory with review questions
on that day’s amud.


Since 2014, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha has been a beacon of change in the way men learn. Our structured program has helped numerous professionals and avreichim regain their sipuk in daily learning, leading to remarkable success.

Yeshivas Iyun Halacha’s innovative program provides Yeshiva students, professionals, and retirees around the world with access to a comprehensive daf yomi b’halacha study program, at the time and place most suitable to their regimen. Regardless of the student’s career, vocation, or background, the combination of well-organized shiurim, expert guidance, and finely-honed chazora system helps ensure that the Yeshivas Iyun Halacha talmid secures his learning investment forever.